I'm working on a portfolio, how much should I sell my art for?

Hi there! I’m working on creating a game logo portfolio to sell some of my artwork. I wanted to know how much I should charge for them. I put a poll down below, so if you could post what you think is the best price, that would really help! I would also love some feedback on my logos if you have any.



How much should I sell my art for?
  • 100 robux
  • 200 robux
  • 300 robux
  • 500 robux
  • 1000 robux
  • 1000+ robux

0 voters


These look pretty basic. iMO, 30-50.

A suggestion i have its to improve in the icons a bit. Try to use more than just 1 image per icon and use more llamative colors. in icon 2 and 4, i think the text its just way too small. Icon 3 has no detail at all and the BG feels plain and normal. Do not be scared to improve, and experiment with new stuff! :slight_smile:


Honestly, I would pay 30-40 for them since they are so basic, if you add more details, then I might pay 100 for them.


Right now they might be worth about 50ish robux. The icons are pretty basic and could look alot flashier with the right tools

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You could make this a bit more realistic looking of a hammer, that would bring the price up.

For this, you could put trees or something in the background.

For this, you could add fish in the water and birds in the sky or something.

I am not a GFX maker, but I hope this will help you and make you more because of my suggestions.

Adding backgrounds will help you make more, I might even buy some from you if you add a backgroud for some groups/games of mine, it all just depends on the price after you add backgrounds. Considering that I am poor right now, I cant buy anything now, but hopefully later I will.

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Looks basic, but I’d say 350-400 because of how annoying it is to get a simple thumbnail for your game, but, just adding some text to a GFX would probably be better than having a background. Don’t be discouraged to price your own work, for every hour you spend working on an art work, add 100 - 1000 robux depending on hard it was to make it. Keep up the good work!

Also make sure to add background and foreground to art like to make it look really good. For some text on a GFX I’d pay 150 - 200 robux

yes i changed the price

Thanks. I’m working on more detailed ones, so I hope I can show them soon.

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thanks for the details! I use adobe illustrator, but I’m going to work on adding more things.

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Sure thing, I try to help when I can, keep up the good work!

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I’m sorry, but i don’t agree with you.

It’s just searching. iK, some people just do not make the icons or they take long, but some basic apps like paint .net can end up in good stuff that everyone can make. I just set the price because of my experience, due as i also do art, some of the icons are just an simple image, text and a plain background. i do not want to be mean to both of you, but i think this could highly be improved. i do not think 350-400 its a good price.

Altrough, seeing you trying to make better and more detailed ones @GolphinLife it’s awesome. I can’t wait to see them. Good luck, keep that positive actitude and have fun! :happy3:


Yeah… I think I’m going to make a few more example projects with more detail, then make another post for it and see how you guys like them then. Thanks again for the help!


Woah, i use illustrator too! I have some tips, then:

  • If you have a drawing pad, experiment with it. Search a tutorial on youtube on how to enable graphic brush: It gives a cool look! Maybe use it for icons or the BG decoration.

  • In the palette, there are lotsa colors, and you can also edit them. Use that as an advantage to make something awesome!

  • Set your sizes in pixels to stuff around 500-2000 to avoid some dumb white lines that appear on the borders when drawing

I hope my tips help you :smiley: !

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Fair opinion, I was thinking that if someone really hired her, they would want someone really good, Like spend hours on a simple thumbnail for they’re game to make it the best it can be.

also I lowered the price

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I’m trying to buy a drawing tablet right now, but I don’t exactly have $200 that I can spend right now, but i’m working to try and get one. Also, in regards to the white frame, that was just from me taking a screenshot of the picture. In the actual project there isn’t a line.

Looks kinda bland and basic. Looks like you spent an afternoon in photoshop. Gain more experience and up your price. Ima have to go with 200

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What i mean with the line is that, somehow, when drawing in huge sizes a super small but annoying line will appear on the drawing borders.

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i’d say 100 robux because they are VERY basic!

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Thanks for all the help guys! I’m going to be making some more logos soon, so I’ll make sure to share them with you when I am done. (They are going to have more detailed backgrounds and pictures)

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The art all has the same text same shadow which makes these thumbnails easy to recreate on top of being simple. There should be more detail in these if you want to get commissions over 100. Also what programs do you use to make these thumbnails?

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I use adobe illustrator to create the designs. And I am currently working on a new style to make more detail.

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