Image Assets Failing to Load

Anytime I’m putting a new image in to place in a mesh as a texture, it’s not loading in. (Both in Studio & in-game playing)

It’s happening everytime I try to paste in the link of a texture.

I’m specifically getting the errors above, here:!/game-instances

Causes the cars to look like this:

The bug just started for me tonight (Friday) around 10 pm Eastern Time.

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Are all newly added image assets broken? My shirt I just uploaded a few minutes ago is showing as a 100% transparent one and isn’t showing on my avatar when I wear it… Here’s the shirt is it helps any.

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That’s a different bug entirely dude. I had that bug going down like 2-3 weeks ago.

Does this also happen when you play the game from the website (not from studio)? I was able to repro in Roblox Studio, but I was not able to repro using the game client.

Happened in both. It has since fixed itself for that particular game, although some of my friends still seem to randomly suffer this problem. It does not appear attached to specific assets though, as which assets fail seems random to each person.

Ah, this was reproing for me because I had ShowDecompositionGeometry enabled. I have forwarded this information to our platform team that handles asset fetching, I think they are investigating ways to make loading freshly-uploaded assets more reliable.

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Only some of the assets that weren’t loading for me were fresh uploads. Some were older than a month or two. It was kinda random on which would and wouldn’t load.