Image Button - Not Clickable

It can, you just need to use .Activated event.

@FracturedSoftware Since its a surface GUI it will work.
@zezegooglekid Yes
@Aanggoodluck Yes everything else works fine just not image labels for some reason.

Try this

local function:Connect Player.Click
– wait 5 seconds after the player clicked
local delay = 5
Player.Script = Parent.Child when child click.function activated
Player.GUI.Click = activated.WhenChildClicked
delay = 1
Player.GUI.Click = activate
PlayerGUI.Visible.Parent:Connect (function()
when child clicked
Gui = Visible:Connect.Child.Parent.activated.WhenChildClicked
GUI.Parent (function) makes child.Gui.Visible

Also why is this in #help-and-feedback and #help-and-feedback:game-design-support this is scripting.

This is in this category since I’m not sure if its a way I’ve designed the UI or if its my script. But I can’t see it being my script since I’ve tried the exact same function in a Text Button. And I can’t find what other category to put it in.

You seem to be completely ignoring some replies on here. StarterGuis patented to parts won’t register any input. Parent it to StarterGui instead and use the Adornee property to select the part it appears on. Trust me, I’ve been here before. It will fix all of your issues. No need to look into scripts.

Alright let me try it. Thanks for reminding me :slight_smile:

I know this reply is pretty late but I just want to share my solution on how I fixed this problem

I just created an ImageLabel instead of an ImageButton and placed an invisible TextButton on the ImageLabel and changed the code to detect mouse button click on the TextButton. I hope this method will fix your problem. :happy1:


I came across the same issue, and it didn’t work.

Thank you so much for your help, i’ve tested it and it works!

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