i tried make custom icons for my options page but the accessibility page icon is displaying like this
and its meant to look like this!
why is it not working?
the size mode is fit
i tried make custom icons for my options page but the accessibility page icon is displaying like this
and its meant to look like this!
Hmm I think I see the issue. When you put in the image, it seems to be curved, which I assume you to be using UICorner to round it. However, when rounding the image, the image gets overlapped and creates a weird effect. My suggestion is create a curved frame and put the image over it, without it being IN that new frame so the image doesn’t get effected. Also just a suggestion: you are having a gui problem, so it should go in gui support.
Sorry, it’s not called gui support, rather art design support
ohhhh, i didnt know ui corners could do that, I’m gonna switch it to clip descendants rather than another UI corner like it is now then tell the result
did it work idk about that feature lol
yea, i made a frame with ui corner and the image parented to it and it somehow worked
Well, good luck with making your options page.
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