Image Healthbar UI getting cropped on both sides

Trying to make a vertical health bar with ImageLabels, but when the image is resized, it just gets cropped on both sides.



I’m trying to make it so that the top of the GUI just only goes down or something, if you know what I mean.

I’ve looked into a lot of dev forums trying to find a solution, but none caters to my situation.

I’m still new to UI stuff and scripting, so if anyone knows a solution to this, please help out!

I recommend using a UIGradient or looking into the ScaleType property.

I’ve tried using a UIGradient, but for some reason, it just doesn’t work. I’m missing something, but I can’t see the problem.

The ScaleType is also already set to Crop. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong here.

Never mind, I figured it out. Thank you for the tip.

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