Image not displaying for volume on and off script

When the button is clicked, the music stops as intended. However, instead of displaying the off image, it simply disappears. It then reappears whenever you click it again. These beautiful assets were created by my friend and I wouldn’t like them going to waste. Here is the code:

local button = script.Parent
local on = true
local voloff = "rbxassetid://6598165869"
local volon = "rbxassetid://6598167222"
	if on == true then
		on = false
		button.Image = voloff
	elseif on == false then
		on = true
		button.Image = volon

Here is a video of the bug in action.
robloxapp-20210822-2136509.wmv (1.6 MB)

Neither of the sprites have been moderated. Help needed!

insert a decal or something, paste the id and it should change and use that instead as i tink its only for audios rbxassetid works for

I did, the image still doesn’t show and now the on image doesn’t come up when you click it again. rbxasset is used for the placeholder image when you create an imagelabel, but idk