Once the screen to the Point of Sales System is clicked, then it will show the LoginFrame. Once the user submitted their userId, it will then show their headshot and their userName on the SurfaceGui, showing that they claimed the POS. The Image and Text does not show while using the NumberValue or the StringValue. How shall I fix this?
local Screen = game.Workspace.Register.ClaimScreen
local ClickDetector = Screen.ClickDetector
local ClaimLogin = script.Parent.LoginFrame
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
print(playerWhoClicked.Name .. " = " .. tostring(playerWhoClicked.UserId))
local clickedPlayerName = playerWhoClicked.Name
local clickedPlayerNameValue = game.ReplicatedFirst.playerWhoClickedNameValue
clickedPlayerNameValue.Value = clickedPlayerName
local clickedPlayerUserId = playerWhoClicked.UserId
local clickedPlayerUserIdValue = game.ReplicatedFirst.playerWhoClickedUserIdValue
clickedPlayerUserIdValue.Value = clickedPlayerUserId
ClaimLogin.Visible = not ClaimLogin.Visible
if plr ~= playerWhoClicked then
ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance = 0
local ClaimLogin = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local OrderingFrameThemeSettings = ClaimLogin.Parent.OrderingFrameThemeSettings
local ClaimedEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClaimedRegister
local playerWhoClickedUserIdValue = game.ReplicatedFirst.playerWhoClickedUserIdValue.Value
local AcceptButton = script.Parent
print(ClaimedEvent.Name.." is being fired!")
ClaimLogin.Visible = false
OrderingFrameThemeSettings.Visible = true
local LoginBox = game.StarterGui.OrderingScreenGui.LoginFrame.NumberPadFrame.InputBox
local playerWhoClickedNValue = game.ReplicatedFirst.playerWhoClickedNameValue.Value
local playerWhoClickedUIdValue = game.ReplicatedFirst.playerWhoClickedUserIdValue.Value
local ClaimedEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClaimedRegister
local function changeScreen()
local RegisterUserLabel = game.Workspace.Register.ClaimScreen.ClaimGui.MainImageLabel.UserLabel
local RegisterUserImage = game.Workspace.Register.ClaimScreen.ClaimGui.MainImageLabel.UserImageLabel
RegisterUserLabel.Text = playerWhoClickedNValue
RegisterUserImage.Image = "https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId=" ..playerWhoClickedUIdValue.. "&width=420&height=420&format=png"
print(ClaimedEvent.Name.." was fired!")
The playerWhoClickedNValue logs the person’s username for when they click on the register screen as shown in the first LocalScript. Here is what I thought it would do. The Value would concatenate into the TextLabel, which I see now that it doesn’t put it into print.
When I use the below, it shows an error, “PlayerAdded is not a valid member of Player “Players.chrma””.
local LoginBox = game.StarterGui.OrderingScreenGui.LoginFrame.NumberPadFrame.InputBox
local ClaimedEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClaimedRegister
local Player = game:GetService("Players")
local function changeScreen(Player)
local userId = p.UserId
local plrName = p.Name
local RegisterUserLabel = game.Workspace.Register.ClaimScreen.ClaimGui.MainImageLabel.UserLabel
local RegisterUserImage = game.Workspace.Register.ClaimScreen.ClaimGui.MainImageLabel.UserImageLabel
print(plrName.." = "..userId)
RegisterUserLabel.Text = plrName
RegisterUserImage.Image = "https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId=" ..userId.. "&width=420&height=420&format=png"
print(ClaimedEvent.Name.." was fired!")
I think you have some misunderstandings with how the client and server interact. Changing any values in replicated storage won’t change it on the server, that only works on specific values that the client has network ownership of, such as their character location and Humanoid WalkSpeed. What you’re trying to can be achieved by just the remote event though; I’ll show you some examples:
Simple script that prints the name of the player who fired the remote event
The remote event automatically passes the player who fired the event as a parameter to the server, you don’t have to do it manually.
Simple script that would get you the image url of a players headshot after they trigger a remote event
remoteEvent:FireServer() -- literally exactly the same, as you only need the player instance in the server to do what we want to do, nothing else
local ImageURL = "https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId=" ..playerWhoFired.UserId.. "&width=420&height=420&format=png"