Image Panorama Effect (FNaF)

I’m currently working on a project and I’m aiming to create a panorama effect in an image, similar to the one found in FNaF (Five Nights at Freddy’s). I’m seeking guidance on how to achieve this effect effectively.

If anyone has insights, tips, or techniques to share on creating a panorama effect, I would greatly appreciate your help.


not sure what you meant by that, i am assuming you’re talking about this: my suggestion is just to set the player’s fove really high


AFAIK 360° viewing angle is not possible in Roblox.

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Try cranking the fov. Or literally stretching game assets to give the illusion of the effect.

Fnaf has this panorama artifact because its a 2d game with 3d projected spaces.

Example of a render

Scott used perspective scrolling to make it look like the camera was rotating.

This effect isn’t exactly possible in a 3d engine


Aww, that’s alright then. I’ll proceed with completing the game without the effect. Nonetheless, I appreciate your assistance. Thank you!


No problem. Good luck with your game!


I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for but you can curve the environment around you by fixing an opaque glass sphere in front of the player camera, here’s the script : D

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local sphere ="Part")
sphere.Size =, 1.5, 1.5)
sphere.Transparency = 0.4
sphere.Color = Color3.fromRGB(192, 192, 192)
sphere.Material = Enum.Material.Glass
sphere.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
sphere.Anchored = true
sphere.CanCollide = false
sphere.CastShadow = false

sphere.CFrame = camera.CFrame
sphere.Parent = workspace

	sphere.CFrame = camera.CFrame *, 0, -0.9)
	sphere.Transparency = 0.4


The refractive property of the glass sphere is what is responsible for the curving. Decreasing its size will increase the effect of the refraction, however you will have to offset its position to account for this as the sphere is only meant to be right in front of the camera. FOV change is also something you have to be aware of as whether or not the sphere is able to cover the camera completely depends on that too (My script should work with an FOV of 70).

This is a very very janky method of creating that distortion effect as there are many limitations with the glass material in Roblox: Make glass work with transparent objects

One of the major ones you’ll face is the effect of specular lighting on the sphere itself, it’ll cause this really distracting light ball thingy which I myself haven’t figured out how to get rid of unfortunately
(Here’s a link to a post I made asking for help lol: How to get rid of Specular lighting on Glass Sphere?)

Good luck developing!