Image preview in Studio

User Story:

As a developer, it’s time-consuming to check which image an asset is currently using.


There are a number of instances (decals, meshes, ImageLabels, ImageHandleAdornment, etc) which have textures and aren’t necessarily viewable at the current point in time. For instance, an ImageLabel may either be off-screen or not in an active ScreenGui, or a mesh may be parented to a part in ReplicatedStorage/etc where it doesn’t render. To view the images these objects use, some amount of adjustment is necessary. This adjustment can be tedious and time-consuming, especially with nested GUIs that require multiple elements to be moved on-screen.

A Solution:

Like the audio preview, it would be possible to have an image preview. Image fields currently have a prompt which could be used for this purpose. Left - current, right - proposed:

Further Notes:

  • This does not help for all asset types (e.g. meshes)
  • This does not help if the ID is not already in an image property field (e.g. hardcoded into script)

I am digging through this level and I have no way to see what all these imagebuttons look like without manipulating them in-world. There should be a preview pane for image assets.



This feature would significantly improve development flows in large and complex projects.

I am returning to an old project of mine, and I am having a very difficult time getting reacquainted. I’m browsing through the hierarchy and selecting objects, such as particle emitters, or UI objects. I’d expect to see a preview of the emitter texture, or the UI texture, so that I can more easily identify which object is which.

A little could go a long way:

  • Be able to see a preview in the properties pane
  • See a preview after clicking a texture field

I can’t view the two images you uploaded, might be a DevForum problem.