Image qualy decreases when playing on mobile but not when using studio emulator

When using Roblox Studio emulator:

When actually playing on my phone:

Look at the Grid quality, it is very low on mobile. Please tell me how to fix that.

Does this also happen when the emulator window is scaled to “Actual Resolution”?

Nope, only when playing on mobile

I think the problem is in the original grid image then. The studio reports that the phone’s resolution is 852x393 (which is very incorrect) but the phone’s display resolution is 1179x2556. The studio’s emulator can’t show the image’s artifacts on this resolution, but the phone screen can.

In order to emulate the phone’s actual resolution and capture every detail that it can show, go to the emulator’s device selection and click on “Manage Devices”. From there, you can clone the 14 Pro’s settings and then change the clone’s resolution to 1179x2556 and set its ppi (or dpi) to 460. You should also set the fitting mode to “Actual Resolution” to show every detail on your screen. This may heavily impact performance as now the viewport is rendering at a higher resolution.

Thanks for your help. What do you think I should do to fix this issue?

You could fix the grid image or adjust the image now that we know how to change the emulator’s resolution.

It doesn’t let me change the resolution to 1179x2556, because the max supported height is 2160. Tried with 2556x1179 but nothing changed

Does this happen when you’re playing on the desktop client at high resolution?