Image resize interpolation option!

Currently the only way to do this on a meshpart is to subdivide your mesh into a face each pixel and then shrink the UV on each pixel, this is very time consuming, and uses a lot of triangles causing massive lag.

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Reviving this topic because there still has not been a response to it yet and it’s still a problem me and others are running into.

Using pixelated textures on models and parts currently still requires upscaling the image to at least double it’s resolution to reduce it’s blurriness.

Getting clean/sharp pixels still seems almost impossible without ramping up memory usage with high-res upscaled textures.


It’s insane that this request was made in 2015 and the only thing we’ve got is for GUI Objects.
I know little about how Roblox’s coding structure, but adding a property for nearest interpolation can’t be THAT hard, right?


We will all have grand kids by the time anyone on the RBX team even thinks of adding this


From what I can tell, this specific feature request was satisfied with the ImageLabel.ResampleMode property, as it was originally asking for an option for different texture sampling for @PlaceRebuilder’s inventory UI. But, it would be nice if this was also an option for other types of textures like MeshPart.TextureId.

Bump. This will really help with the game’s artstyle.

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please, please, please, please roblox, please

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@Roblox did you know implementing this would save you server storage capacity and therefore valuable cash money? It would definitively make your investors very happy consequently. Convinced yet?