Image uploading acting extremely odd

I don’t/haven’t used decals that much, however, recently I have been uploading quite a few. The other day, I uploaded one and it was done in a matter of minutes. Now, however, one has taken over 5 hours, now this is also the case for three other decals I’m uploading. I remember it used to be so much quicker. Has Roblox’s image uploading suddenly expanded in time, or is something else going wrong? I haven’t seen anyone else talking about this recently.

They start off shimmering, but then go into “unavailable”. In my game, I can see it, but however, another person who was testing with me couldn’t.

We don’t know why this is a problem, quite a few Games lost a lot of Players because of this, hopefully gets fixed…

Do we know how long this has been going on for? Days, hours? If it’s just today, then that’s really ironic, how the one day i REALLY need decals is the one where it doesn’t work!

Well, it seems this started today, I’m not sure thi, people say that decals that already passed moderation are being moderated again, thsi time with a lot more delay

Too ironic :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Did you try uploading with Asset Manager?

I’m experiencing the same! it started yesterday for me and it has made game development very difficult. I hope there will be a solution.

No, actually. I might try that too