Image uploading risk?

Hello. I would like to upload some images for my game, but I am worried about the filter. I heard many times about people getting warned for uploading an image which wasn’t inappropiate in any way. My question is: how do I upload images safely, without risk of getting banned?

Here’s an exapmple of image that I want to upload:

All of the images are just white & transparent so they shouldn’t be detected as inappropiate, but I met someone who said they were warned for uploading an image which was simply two grey rectangles.

Any help is appreciated!


Hello, if you’re worried about being falsely warned you could simply upload the decal on an alternative account so that way any possible warns would affect the alt account and not your main one. Good luck on your game!


I don’t think a gun will be banned but yeah, you can try the suggestion above, it’s more safe.

Would the ban affect my entire device or IP? Or just that account and nothing else?

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Hello! With that said by @Rykwah I think if you’re was false warned you can appeal with a proof,
If you was warned false just appeal the robot is checking images being uploaded and yea because is bot
You can get false warned so be carefull
I hope you will don’t get warned!
Good luck!

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Agreement with @Rykwah.

Roblox image moderation is very interesting, I got a 1 day ban for uploading a picture of Rick Astley. :confused:

Just do it on an alt account, and try to be safe with it.

The same thing happen to me. I was uploading a height map to try something with terrain and I got a warning

@Acu1000The roblox bot is RELLY not cool with devlopper so just publish ans if you get terminated contest on the support and send the image, is alredy work for me but it took 2 weeks and yet it’s been 1 week since I was in contact, And if your accound terminated your are not ban ip (normaly)

This won’t get banned, I don’t see any particular reason for it to be blocked from the website and have your account taken action against, but if you want to be safe upload it on an alternate account and go on.

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If you were to get banned, most commonly just the account would get banned

Very rarely you would IP ban, but again if you do get IP banned, just restart you router

I got banned for uploading a gun Image