Hello! I am wondering how I would make a button animation like this: https://gyazo.com/7825aac1e094c97be4f7d9a0f4020f0c
Here is my setup: https://gyazo.com/0ae5d20b40ffbf01c6affc7f3175f9c1
you are basically increasing the size and changing the position slightly on mouse enter and then reverting back on mouse leave.
Maybe try tweening the size of the gui when the mouse enters the gui, so you can use GuiObject | Roblox Creator Documentation then you can use GuiObject | Roblox Creator Documentation. When you want the button to scale back down you can use GuiObject | Roblox Creator Documentation and GuiObject | Roblox Creator Documentation
Hello. Thanks for the reply, but I am not sure how I would put this in a script since I am not a scripter.
Hey, thanks for the reply but I’m not sure how I would put this in a script since I am not a scripter.
refer to api for scripting–scripting support category is for learning not doing for you
So you want to probably do,