Imagebutton image won't change

I’m trying to change an image in an imageubtton, but whenever I set it to something new it turns blank. I imagine that I’m inputting the image string incorrectly. This should be a relatively simple problem to fix, but it’s proving difficult for some reason.

Excerpt from the script in question:

local revokeImage = ""

if revokedPlrs[plr] then
	invite.Image = revokeImage
	invite.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)

Some context I forgot to include: This is in a script which loops through the “players” class every second to create a custom player menu. During this loop, it refreshes the local player menu and determines whether each player is invited to the local player’s plot and, if so, changes the “invite to plot” button to a “revoke from plot” button.

Please show us related things, such as what revokedPlrs is , etc…

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The reason it’s blank is because the image links to a Decal instead of an Image

You should try this ID instead: 9849672437


That ID worked, thank you so much! Never realized there was a difference between the two in this context.