ImageButtons inside of UIGridLayout keep scrambling

I have multiple ImageButtons inside of a ScrollingFrame and they are all assorted with UIGridLayout when in studio the buttons are all assorted as they should be (in gem ascending order), however, when I test play in-game and in studio they all scramble.

Any advice or pointers on how to resolve the ImageButtons scrambling around the ScrollingFrame would be appreciated, thanks.

It might be organizing it based on GuiObject.LayoutOrder (from the lowest number to the highest number).

Try setting that property for each ImageButton to a value that would correspond with how you want it sorted (so the buttons that you want to appear first will have the lowest value, the next one would be larger than that, and etc. until you reach the final ImageButton which would have the highest number for its LayoutOrder).

Although, since it’s already organized correctly while editing, I don’t know for sure if that would be the case… But it’s worth a check!

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Hey, thanks alot. I ordered them all using LayoutOrder and they’re fine and organized now, appreciate the help!

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