ImageLabel not appearing when I test in Studio [FIXED]

Okay so basically, there are 2 ImageLabels named “Up” and “Down” which have no background transparency and no image transparency, they are black in color. I made a script to tween them into the screen at a certain point of the game. When I test it in studio, I cannot see the ImageLabels but the Frame gets Tweened onto the screen. It’s just like the images are transparent, but they are not.

What is the problem with it?
This is what it really is.

But when I test, it’s like this.

I don’t know why it just doesn’t show on my screen even though the Frame gets tweened successfully…

Are your ImageLabels in in the right place? Do they show when you set their position to the position you are tweening to?

Yes, but I don’t know why it is not showing…

Do they have an image on them? maybe the image has been moderated? An Image will not show if it is moderated, as you know from our game

No, it’s just a free black image that I got. It’s not moderated.

When you don’t play the game, is the image visible? And it might be possible that the image hasn’t loaded in yet.

No, I’ve waited for like 10-20 seconds for it. It doesn’t even take 5 seconds to load an image and yes I can see the images when I don’t play the game in studio.

Can you send a link to the image your using? I can look at it then

I just deleted the images and tried to do the same with the 2 different Frames. It’s again happening the same…

New Images have to be approved by Roblox, and can take up to an hour to be approved.
If it doesn’t approve in an hour, come back.

It’s uploaded many months ago, I also tried to use frames but I cannot see them too. I’ve noticed 1 thing, when I switch to Current: Server I can see the Frames come in but not as Current: Client…

Could it be a z-index issue? Hard to tell (is that 30 chars?)

My friend on Discord solved it for me! Here is the script that I used.

for i,player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
player.PlayerGui.Cinematics.Frame1:TweenPosition(, 0,0, 0))
player.PlayerGui.Cinematics.Frame2:TweenPosition(, 0,0.806, 0))


You really shouldn’t be handling UI from the server. If it’s in PlayerGui with an Adornee set, just use a LocalScript parented to it.