ImageLabel.Visible not working in script

Greetings developers,

I have an issue where an ImageLabel won’t show while .Visible is enabled
This only happens once I enable the visibility from a script, and other Gui’s in the same for loop will work normally.

Script, please? Can’t help you much without your script

for _, i in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
	for _, v in pairs(i.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.GameGui:GetChildren()) do
		v.Visible = true

add an :IsA() check, also

GetChildren only returns the table of the objects parented, not the objects under them as well
u should use GetDescendants() if u want every imageLabel in the gameGui to be visible

if v:IsA("ImageLabel")

The ImageLabel is visible in the properties, and the transparency is set to 0, so it did work and make it visible.

can u send me a picture of ur screengui in the explorer?

So… It turns out that it was hidden behind another Gui…
I feel really stupid

np np

we’ve all been there comrade