I am using a spritesheet to pack lots of different icons together, and I want to display one of these icons tiled on an ImageLabel using ImageLabel.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Tile
. This doesn’t appear to be working correctly though because only a single instance of the icon is displayed and it is stretched (and is not matching the ImageLabel.TileSize
The properties window also prevents the ImageRectOffset/Size
properties from being modified and shows a warning.
The ImageRectOffset/Size and ScaleType properties should have no effect on each other from my perspective as a developer; the ImageRectOffset/Size properties get applied first (to decide which part of the spritesheet to use) and the ScaleType property last (to decide how to stretch the rendered image). All the other ScaleTypes work fine, it’s just the Tile ScaleType that doesn’t play nicely.