Images are loading slowly

I am using this cool web app to create a radial sprite sheet (Radial Sprite Sheet Generator for Circular Progress Indicators) however when I test it creates this weird “blinking” effect. I looked in the properties tab and it seems to have no problem going through all the asset Id’s that I pasted there in the config file.

I think the problem is that the images are loading slowly, but I uploaded those images for more than a day now, so it should load faster. I really don’t know what’s the problem here, Could you please help me figure out why the images load slowly?

BTW, I intensionally slowed down the tick so you could see the circle otherwise it would have not enough time to load.

I’m assuming if all the images are on one sprite sheet, you’re incorrectly setting the ImageRectOffset (also assuming that’s what’s used in this situation).

If you have each sprite as a different image that’s a more expensive process as far as I know, and you’ll have to verify that each image has correctly loaded & hasn’t been moderated. Also, verify you aren’t setting the image to a blank image or setting it to invisible in between each change.

If you’re using the second method (with each sprite as a different image) I’d recommend putting it all on one sprite sheet and changing it using the ImageRectOffset property. Otherwise, I’d recommend preloading all the images when the player joins the game. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If you’re using the module that’s included with my web app (I assume you are), then you can ignore @CrimsonForce’s post above as the module handles all of that for you.

The Roblox module has a built-in method that should fix this.

Call RadialImage:Preload() to preload the images, and then RadialImage:Destroy() when you’re done with the radial image.