Images backwards when using beams

I’ve been messing around with beams for the control points in my game. It’s all taking shape but I noticed no matter what attachment or part the beam is put into the text is flipped backward and this happens to all images it seems for me. This problem only happens if its set to face the camera. I want the image to face the camera as it looks the best. I’ve messed with every setting on the beams in properties but nothing seems to solve this.

The Issue

Thanks, Bob


I don’t know if this would work or not, but have you tried inverting the parts? Like, putting the part that’s on the left on the right and the one on the right to the left?

Yeah that doesn’t seem to do anything. Could it be a issue with Studio?

I don’t think it would be that, but I’m not sure. I’d say it’s something that is just switched around. Maybe try switching the attachments? I mean, you may also be able to invert the image in an image editing program and republish it as well.

I’ve done this both om the beam properties and with the attachments themselves.

I don’t want the alternative to be to make images purposely backwards in photoshop.

I’m getting the same thing with a test model too. It must be an error on Roblox’s side, but I’ve never seen it before.

It’s super annoying… flipping the image in photoshop should fix but why should we have to do this.

Check the rotation of your attachments - they matter in the orientation of a beam. Use the constraints menu in the Model tab of your ribbon bar to reveal more details about constraints.


Play around with some rotations and the issue should fix itself for you.

This does nothing I rotate and it does not affect the beam in anyway

I’m not sure what you’re doing or how your beam is set up, because it is completely fine for me.

Try using 'Face camera" its fine without the face camera turned off.

I want the image to track the players camera like so.

Side note the image for car shop is flipped but doesn’t make much of a deal as the image is just a icon not a word.

Yikes… I see. I misread the post. Though I did go around and play in Roblox Studio, it seems even I was unable to fix the rotation issue. There’s no property that affects rotation of the image and regardless of what way I contorted any of the items in my environment, I couldn’t get it to face front. FaceCamera ignores orientations.

Seems you will have to invert the image in an editing program.

Thats ridiculous…does this to every single image. Welp thanks for the help though! <3

Bumping this up because this is still an issue. Not sure if I should open a bug report or there’s a way to fix it without flipping images.

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There has to be a property that allows you to reverse the image back to its original side, MIND BLOWING that this is STILL an issue

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Bumping again because this STILL seems to be an issue and I can’t find a solution.