Images do NOT Load if Linked to YOUR About Me and Accessing Developer Forum on Television

You can view the officially supported list of browsers and platforms here: What is Discourse? | Discourse - Civilized Discussion

We have no current interest to expand support beyond what is listed there so we cannot help with this request.

I have seen it currently, yet I never said to expand, and if it was the case of so, how come? I don’t see any problem whatsoever having in other browsers such as “Brave”, “Opera”… It might be good having a further explanation of it.

We don’t maintain Discourse and have no interest to expand the browser support currently because it would be a significant effort for a lack of impact.

Realistically, the amount of people using the forum via a TV is not appreciable compared to the many engineering hours needed to investigate and resolve browser support, now and for every future Discourse version. We can spend those hours better elsewhere.

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