Images in DevForum threads disappearing

Reproduction Steps

Browser Info: Firefox 84.0.2 and Chrome 107.0.5304.121 on Mac OSX Catalina

Check the provided link. (Making Accessible Games for the Disability-Aware Era - A Not-Fully-Comprehensive Guide by an Actual Disabled Developer if it isn’t there.)

It might be happening to other pages too, but I don’t know. When I look at other image-heavy threads, all images will load just fine.

Expected Behavior

All images load normally and appear in the post.

Actual Behavior

Most images don’t load at all. Spaces exist for them and they exist in the editor, but never appear.

Missing image:

An image that did load:

Missing images as seen in the editor- they still exist, according to it:
Screen Shot 2022-12-01 at 6.43.39 PM

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Making Accessible Games for the Disability-Aware Era - A Not-Fully-Comprehensive Guide by an Actual Disabled Developer
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-12-01 18:12:00 (-06:00)


Ended up just reuploading the images, so the original linked post no longer has broken images.
Regardless, this bug still exists.


With the latest version of macOS (Intel) and Chrome 108.0.5359.94 I don’t have problem. Although it probably could be the system version, since a few days ago I tried to do a job from Catalina or Mojave and the webp images (format used in the forum) were not working properly… You should also check if this happens in other webpages.

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Thank you for reuploading the images, we will take a look into why they disappeared.

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