Images not loading

The top two images for this UI are completely transparent and I have no idea why.

Also whenever I try to upload new images for the ones that are broken I get this error:

These images used to be completely fine(you could see them) but when I came back onto studio today they were transparent while the bottom two UI were not.

Here’s the proprieties of one of the broken image buttons:


can you show us your full ui concept

These are the images we were using for this

Sorry if I get anything wrong I was the scripter not UI designer they are busy right now so that’s why i’m the one posting.

Hm… Can you show us the script that your working on

The UI is not modified in any way by any scripts in our game.

im the owner/builder, we really need this fixed, for our update, its already 2 days delayed, we are supposed to release in a few days. Please help

I think the image that you upload is not active because the propertiese say that your image it not Active so maybe try active it:

if you can see it

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Try changing the zindex to -1 or 2 or keep changing it until it works

z-index is not what’s wrong when I set background transparency to 0 you can see the background.

It didn’t work it’s still transparent.

i think the Ui is behind of another ui if you know what i try to say

YEAH omg pac we are so dumb, move it in the folders, so that the angels ones are above the background

bruh you guys, make sure you check everything correct if the ui is block the ui make sure to move it some where that we can see… sorry if i take to much time to help you guys lol

The decal you used was moderated by Roblox, thus it cannot be seen.

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Oh wow thanks we didnt realize this, we will try and reupload it

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