Immersive Ads: Video Ad Format

Oh this is pretty neat, this way I could possibly monetize projects without having to rely on micro-transactions or cosmetics because I absolutely despise P2W.

Uhh… is there a way to actually implement this in top-down games though?
I’m struggling to find a way to do that since the camera is always facing down and it feels weird to just place ads on the floor.

Roofs are also not an option because they need to be see-through when a player enters a building.


You could put them on Roofs of Buildings. Just my idea. I have no idea what setting your game is in.


Wow! This update is pretty neat! I could put these on TV’s and Billboards!

I wonder how other people are going to implement this.

Imagine this:

Advertisement Wall inside
 of a TV Storefront.

Advertisements on In-Game Phones

A Easy way to put Advertisements in a Neo-City!

Just some ideas, to possibly inspire people!


Awesome feature, but as @OutlookG mentioned, the CPM rate is criminal.

I understand that you guys are hosting the games and therefore providing the ads, but does it really need to be 20x less??

Also, why are you against sharing the cut that the company takes? Can you not just give us a pie chart with undoubtedly dissapointing information at the very least? If you’re going to take profit directly from your developers, you might as well make up some reasons WHY you take their money.

Edit: To add on another thing, premium payouts are already able to be abused. What makes you think people can’t just run a few alt accounts and have them constantly be watching ads? This definitely sways me away from this new “ground breaking” ad technology which will be replacing have replaced dynamic website ads.

Is there any safeguards against this?


developers may choose to implement a reward mechanism in their experience using the AdEventType API . Developers can grant in-experience currency or an in-experience item to reward users who watch the full 15 second video.

This is just insane. The amount of games which are along the lines of “Watch Ads Simulator” will be off the charts.

How will you be sure to distribute these ads evenly between games? Is it first come first serve? This feels like somewhat of a rushed feature which is just to say it is out. The lack of transparency is pretty scary when it comes to a feature this big and a replacement for something that has been on the Roblox platform for so long.

That being said, I have to give credit to the Roblox team. They are constantly working on taking feedback from the community and making the platform better, I just think they could be more transparent on their ideas / logic.


Unfortunately, games like Obby On A Bike already do this, but the ads are much less intrusive (a small box on the top of your screen). They offer a gamepass to remove ads, but there’s no guarantee there wont be games like “Flex your ad watch time!”.


The ability to add these ads in a way that isn’t intrusive is severely limited.
You can’t even put transparency 1 parts infront of them, meaning there’s no way to for example, have them on a billboard on a rooftop across from a building outside a window, without people being able to jump out the window.

And while I understand the reasoning for these detection methods, the inability to have any form of collidable objects, even if invisible, in the way of the ads, is going too far.
(Moreso considering there are ways to put visible objects in the way of ads, and for them to still play.)


Is there a dropoff if the same user keeps watching ads? Is there any feedback mechanism for developers to know if showing an ad will not generate revenue (same user has seen this ad 10x times etc)


Great to hear hopefully it will help boost revenue, current image ad revenues are a bit of a joke and barely justifies me keeping them in game… Most of my revenue comes from teleports.


Yes, video ads count towards this limit. That’s the primary performance consideration but would love to hear any feedback related to performance or the product itself!


Do video ads get priority over a built in VideoFrame?


So, in-theory; it is infeasible to have more than two AdGuis with this setting enabled at once? And outright infeasible to include these in experiences which contain any other use of a VideoFrame?


I’ll have to implement ads to my experiences


The ability to give rewards to players after watching a video is very interesting. However what would hold me back (other than not having access to ads yet :sweat_smile:), is that users -13 can’t see the ads.

This could be perceived as unfair by those users. I think this ‘split’ will always be there from now on? I just wonder why other platforms (mobile games) seemingly don’t have such a restrictive limit…


This is gonna be the meta for cashgrabs, I can smell it
Just look at any mobile game and you’ll see how effective it is


I’ll just say… yikes. Big slap to the players face to allow invasive ads in the experiences. But also a big slap to developers for having to rely on a mediocre ads system that screws over smaller devs.


Though this is a required addition in order to improve income streams as a developer, it still feels so dystopian seeing ads for Walmart of all companies inside games such as Natural Disaster Survival.


Honestly I’m not entirely sure how to feel about this. I think this is a good chance that allows developers to further expand their income streams however i also believe this sort of feature will be abused in order to swindle as much time and cash from players as possible. Let’s not forget the fact that a lot of developers are more than happy charging overpriced entry fees (sometimes even outside of roblox), promote and even REQUIRE heavy gambling from your part (spin systems, crate systems, etc) that ALL require you to spend either a good amount of money or spend tons of time into that single game just so you can actually stand a chance against the player’s who were actually willing to pay tons of cash or simply “no-life” said game to even selling insanely overpriced pay-to-win gamepasses and other in game perks just so you can play on the same level as the “professionals”. A lot of roblox developers are MORE than happy to pull off the most predatory monetization practices ever without any shame AND with the approval of roblox themselves.


What I’ve been saying. Keep the ads limited to the website. Let games be games.

Of course they won’t revert this update. Money talks.


It’s good. I like how they add immersive ads. But I’m thinking of 17+ ads;
why not for kids underage? I dunno about people scamming other people with immersive ads.
I guess I don’t know what to say now. :man_shrugging:


Would advise this to be reconsidered. Developers will be disincentivized to use these ads if it means they can’t use VideoFrames elsewhere.