Immersive Ads: Video Ad Format

So I guess more than half the platform cannot be reached now, and the rest have adblockers? Sick… :fire: :pensive:


There goes my Video Ad TV Shop Storefront idea…


We can now sell remove ads gamepads then???


I still have the same questions as I did with immersive ads, namely,
A. what constitutes an ad being seen, and,
B. what are the rules regarding incentivizing ad viewing?

A. As in - If I put a large ad on a blimp in the sky, will it count for views? Developers need to know the hard distance limits, etc, for this sort of thing to be able to use it productively.

B. As in - If I allow players to willingly choose watch ads (like many sites do, like twitch used to), is that OK? Where is the line drawn? Can I do the mobile industry practice of trading an ad-watch in for some in-game currencies?


Edit: I am indeed a very silly boy! I somehow missed the part specifying this in the post here, and conflated the past immersive ad thread not having those specifications with this read, and appear to have erroneously asserted that this information was not already in the thread. Oops! Sorry


I appreciate the addition but I think we also need an ad UI element. (on the player’s gui)

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This existed with the very old previous format with mobile app store adds that they removed for being “invasive.” There used to be games like elephant hotel and botted front page games that would simply farm clicks infinitely because the cap was either poorly implemented or not implemented at all and it was very easy to convince young children to watch half an hour of ads for any kind of in-game cash. At least in this case they can’t be seen by <13 :sweat:


Currently testing immersive Ads. EPMs as others have said are pretty low and make me question whether the hit in player experience is worth the measly few extra Robux these ads currently provide.

I’ll try video ads and see if these make much of an improvement. If they can get the EPMs up to around 5X then these might be worth it for me.

It’s also a pity Roblox has gone against some of its key principles and values towards the community by not sharing what the cut is. The reason given is that this cut may fluctuate due to the nature of the algorithm being used that can help meet supply and demand.

If this is the case then why not just share the average cut over a given period and provide insight into algorithm tweaks?


This update would be alot better if you guys kept the ads on the website but still added immersive ads. That being said I do have a few questions that should have been addressed but weren’t:

  • Is there a certain distance the ad needs to be from the player for it to count? If I put the ad 1000 studs infront the player would it count??

  • Is there any guidelines on how we use it? Whats stopping someone from making a empty baseplate with just 1 ad constantly playing?

  • Will there ever be a way to advertise under 13 accounts (even if it has super strict guidelines)

  • Can we separate >13 accounts from +13 account? It doesn’t seem fair to promise a reward for watching an ad when >13 accounts can’t.

  • Is the sound on by default? If so will we have an option so its off by default?


ads in roblox games are a mistake. This platform is going into the toilet…


Furthermore, this limits only applies to videos simultaneously playing. There can be more than 2 videos per place but only 2 videos can play simultaneously. This applies to Video Ads and UGC Video


We’ve defined the impression viewability criteria in the post. Specifically for this test, the criteria is below:

  • Ad should occupy at least 1.5% of screen size.
  • The angle between an ad and the plane is at most 55 degrees.
  • Greater than or equal to 50% of the pixels in the advertisement are viewable.
  • Video pixels are rendered and play for 2 total seconds.

For more details around the Rewarde, please review the “Rewarded Video” section of the post


Clarified: Immersive Ads: Video Ad Format - #51 by darkmodeonn


Clarified here: Immersive Ads: Video Ad Format - #51 by darkmodeonn

Again, I’m very well aware that it only applies to simultaneous videos that are playing; however there is no way for us to guarantee than an AdGui won’t be “Playing” at any given time.


Is it allowed for ads to be placed down by players in a building game…?

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I’ve been hearing recent rumours that Roblox is in serious [worsening] debt and is looking to fix this. However, I agree. 20x is absolutely ridiculous — there are better ways to get out of debt.


This is actually a very good question! I wanted to, in a game that involves furniture placement, allow users to place down Billboards and TVs - that can have ads on them.

This would seemingly be an entirely voluntary interaction which I can’t see as causing any problem, so long as the developer takes steps to prevent spamming of ads in an area, but definitely something i’d love clarification on as well.

Seems like their being in games now.
robloxapp-20231105-1916034.wmv (2.3 MB)

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Fun fact: There buttons on video ads are customizable using 4 fast flags

DFStringAdsEnterFullscreenImage rbxassetid://15283517270
DFStringAdsExitFullscreenImage rbxassetid://15283522950
DFStringAdsVolumeOffImage rbxassetid://15283525022
DFStringAdsVolumeOnImage rbxassetid://15283524232


I also caught this
robloxapp-20231106-1737359.wmv (1.9 MB)
P.S. I have 7.1 setup will WMV not supported 7.1