Immersive Environments V2 - Advanced 'Package'-Based Audio and Lighting Control

Absolutely awesome. This is what I was looking for and it helps alot, wish I could give a solution check on this haha. I’ll let you know if I come across any issues, I appreciate it!


First of all great module! i have a quesiton about it. My Question is if there is there a difference between this since the example place u gave us, showed different folder names e. g. “Forest” and the others have region behind it (“JoinedRegion”). Or can i somehow just use 1 part for both lighting and region so i dont have to create multiple parts?

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The names are arbitrary, so long as a package is associated with each one. Looking at the example place, there is a Folder (containing the parts constitute the region) in workspace.IERegions.AudioRegions called ‘Forest’. This correlates to the folder (containing the audio settings that will be applied when a player enters that regions) in ReplicatedStorage.IE.Packages.Audio.Region with the same name: Forest.

In the example place, the region for Forest is just one part, but it can be as many as you want.

Let me know if that answers your questions!


Did you ever fix this issue? I seem to have the same problem.

Hi KingPie,
I’m trying and testing out your module and seems awesome. But playing shared sounds across regions seems super bugged. The sound will stop or it won’t go to its correct volume level.
In this demo music is playing from a room. If you move into the next room it’s supposed to get less loud, if you go outside it’s quiet. If you’re outside the room’s window the music is supposed to play semi-loud.

Immersive Environment V2.rbxl (141.4 KB)