Immersive Friend Inviter [V1]

Hello everyone!

I am excited to announce a new way to invite your friends in Roblox with this simple panel!

How to use

You must have… friends! If you don’t have friends, the panel will show you a text.

Insert It

[Lastest Version]

Roblox Model
Download [V1] (35.2 KB)


Showcase Video (YouTube)
Updated Version (Updated)


~ V0.1 (01/12/2023)
Download [V0.1] (27.7 KB)

~ V1 (06/12/2023)
Download [V1] (35.2 KB)


  • Friend Status (Online/Offline)
  • Search Bar (Work with : Friend Username, Friend Displayname & Friend Status)


  • New frame if you have no friends.
  • Bug fixes

That’s all!

How to customize?

Maybe in the next version.


The panel does not display icons :

  • Premium
  • Verified Badge
  • Star Program member
  • Roblox Administrator
How to report bugs or get assistance?

Report all bugs in our support server.
If you need assistance, join our support server.


Version: 1.0


Are you saying it does not display that they have premium? Or that they won’t display at all if they own premium?


It just not displaying the Premium Icon. All friends will be displayed.


Does it have a search bar, to search for friends names ?

Does it show if they are online ?


Not right now but in the next version I will add a search bar and a online/offline icon.

Thank You for your feedback.


Hey! Check out this video :


Woah. Will definitly use it when this releases!

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Make sure to like the model!

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I will make sure to! Would it be a good idea adding something to give rewards for players when they invite their friend?

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Good Idea! I will make a setting page with requierment & reward. Thank You!

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Your welcome, can’t wait to see this!! (It’d be great for my games so of course I’m suggesting it :wink:)

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And track, if the friend they invite, actually comes into the game, and if so reward them… when someone click on invite, are you able to tell / track who the user name is that they invited?

otherwise you could just spam invite to get rewards…

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Some games do that with the normal invite thing.

You can simply check when a friend joins, either they were invited or not, so the pannel would only be a way to make them join for the reward.

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this is good but im not sure why this would be used within our games.

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This will makes increase the number of players that play the game.

Not just track friend joins, but you can also tell when someone is directly followed into a game (which includes when someone accepts a game invite). I implanted a system like this a while ago in an old game of mine to announce “X has joined you directly” in chat, which will show up regardless if they’re friended or not.

A simple reward flow for user invites could just be:

  1. Track when someone (P1) “invites” someone else (P2) (You can’t truly track invites, but if a custom UI is used you can make some assumptions like if P2 is clicked on a custom list, because it isn’t 100% guaranteed that they invited make sure this data does expire, you should store this data on P2, the referral should also NOT get stored if P2 has played before)
  2. If P2 joins the game before the expiry date and has never played before, reward them and/or P1. (depending on how you want it set up)
-- P2 DataStore (pref. scope)
    hasPlayed: false, -- if this is true, referral should be nil 
    referral: {
        userId: 1, -- UserID of P1
        expiry: 0, -- ms since epoch of invite

Ok. Another thing if that loading is real then dont read this if not then do read this


i think the loading is far too long.

Would be a good idea doing that then :+1:

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More you have friends, more it’s longer. In a future update, I will do a setting script with :

“Actually Loading Asset” = false/true
“How Many Times” = 5s

If I put a loading screen, it’s to not have visibility issues.

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When I tried it, nothing happened so I removed it from my game, maybe it was just loading?