In order to promote a fun game play experience for all users of our game we have a set of rules and limitations in which Players may be disciplined for violating.
Teams - Information Page
Admissions - Operators of the Border
Admissions Administration - Officers of the Admissions Ministry responsible for enforcing Rules on members of Admissions
Bolsheviks - Government and Party Members
Bolsheviks Administration - Similar to the Admissions Administration team except for the Bolsheviks
Commissariat - [Removed]
Enlisted Guard - The Defenders of the Border
Moderators - Protects the game from Exploiters and other Rule Violators
Immigrant - The default team for Visitors
Peacekeepers - Enforces the Laws of the Federation and acts as a Police Force
Military - Trained Fighters of the Federation with Training in Combat
Military Administration - Officers of the Armed Forces (Military)
Presidium - The Highest Ranks in the Game
Resistance - Those who fight against the Federation
Civilian - Members of the Group that have passed a Citizenship Test, Afforded more rights and privileges than normal immigrants
EZIC - An organized raiding group against the IRF
Border Information - Teams and Definitions
In order to ensure that the Game is kept running at maximum efficiency a set of rules are in place for the “Border”. Make sure to read below!
The Following Teams are allowed to stand outside the Border Line and enforce various rules
- Admissions, Admissions Administration
- Peacekeepers
- Military and Military Administration
- Enlisted Guard
- Bolsheviks
- Bolsheviks Administration
The border is shown at the above image. The red lines show where Civilians are permitted to stand once they’ve passed through the Border Booth and have a valid Passport and Permit!
Rules of the Game
The Following Actions Are PROHIBITED
- Random Killing /Team Killing /Spawn Killing
- Glitching
- Raiding as an immigrant
- Grenade spam (more than once a minute)
- Impersonation
- Exploiting
- Violating Roblox Terms of Service
- Wearing Symbols of Hate Groups
- Discrimination by Race, Gender and affiliated conditions
- Bypassing the Roblox Filter
- Mass Spawn Killing, Team Killing or Random Killing
Punishment Policy
To ensure fair game moderation we operate a Five Strikes Policy.
Rule Violation One - Verbal Warning
Rule Violation Two - Kick
Rule Violation Three - Kick
Rule Violation Four - Serverban
**Rule Violation Five - Permanent Ban from the Game
In some instances this system may be ignored (Exploiting etc)
Authored by Community Administrator and General Secretary Friz_Dzhugashvili