ImpactVFX V1.0.0

What is this?
A set of particles/VFX I made for different material surfaces being impacted.

You can use these for gun systems shooting on different materials, maybe your melee weapons too. Not a scripter? that’s fine, you can also use these for animations on moon animator 2.

There are many VFX for different materials, such as:

  • Concrete
  • Ceramic tiles
  • Clay tiles
  • Glass
  • Sand
  • Carpet
  • Grass
  • Metal
  • Rocks
  • Wood
  • Marble

The textures used have alpha bleeding issues fixed thanks to a couple tools @XAXA made.

Additionally I included a class called ImpactVFX for you to be able to spawn in your impact vfx into the world, it’s pretty straight forward.

ImpactVFX V1.0.0.rbxm (8.6 KB)


Does it support terrain materials, and if I change the terrain material colors does it follow my changes?

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I don’t know what you mean by does it support terrain materials, all I provided is a module that can spawn the given VFX, it is up to you to spawn them according to the material you are hitting.


Nice VFX system.

What gun system do you use?

Also is this an open source inventory / hotbar you are using?

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The gun system is a simple gun system I’m developing for my game inside chickynoid.

The inventory is not open source, it was created for my game Descent XYZ.

Terrain materials and base part materials use the same enum. Terrain materials should most likely be supported. Terrain material colors would have to be answered by @CCTVStudios

The resource I made only provides a way to spawn basic VFX using only particle emitters, You can chose the effect by passing a string with the name of the VFX (the names are the folders).

You could map all the names into a table with the Enum.Material as it’s index and also pass the color of the terrain to the constructor to spawn your VFX according to material hit and color of surface.