Implement a way for scripts to be worked on simultaneously in Team Create

It is currently impossible to have multiple people working on a script simultaneously. I suggest that there be a way to do this in a similar way that Google Spreadsheets work.

Will appreciate any feedback with this suggestion. Thanks!


This would be really useful.


This was specifically looked over for being added to team create back when it came out. For good reasons too.

Think about it. Two or more people editing a script at the same time is going to get messy.

What if one person starts a new line and annoyingly moves everything down for everyone else? What if somebody copies/pastes and now there’s random code everywhere?

It seems cool but it would literally be useless because of those reasons (and wayyy more). :confused:


Wonder if there is a way for this to work with a plugin :thinking: If only we could disable “Currently editing”.

I asked about this last RDC. The main reason you cannot work on a Script simultaneously is because the code needs to be frozen for other users until you close the Script. This way you can still test your game while someone is working on some code because the changes aren’t pushed until the programmer closes the Script. You wouldn’t want to be prevented from testing your game because someone is adding a few lines of code here and there.

Although I think that the reasoning is fair, I would personally also like a way to work on a Script with multiple people at once. Maybe replicating code changes to the people who open the Script(s) you are working on and only pushing once everyone has closed the same Script, would enable this kind of feature. Though that might take a while to implement.


On top of other reasons that have already been said (it being messy etc), two people should rarely ever need to edit the same script at the same time.

If you’ve got multiple programmers working on a project, the best way of managing code is through events, modules and values. By doing it this way, it means programmers are free to edit individual functions and features easily without getting in the way of another coder, and it also makes it easier to locate issues. Just communicate to the other people on the project what each module/event/value means/does and you will have few problems.

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Back when I was helping people learn scripting, this would have been a lifesaver. I do agree though that it would get messy, be almost useless in a group project, and of course with the aforementioned technical limitations.

There are a few reasons why this feature won’t be added;

Your feature request hardly follows the template. Engineers won’t add something if someone just wants it without sufficient use cases.

There are already many things for multiple people to edit a file at once, such as Pastebin, Codeshare, etc.

Strange to see everyone shooting this down.

As someone who has been working almost exclusively in a team create with another scripter for the better part of the year, i really really really want real-time collaboration.

Not really. You can just make it so changes to a script are “pending” until the script is manually published or the script is closed. Anyone who opens the script while it is pending will see the live code instead of a “THIS SCRIPT IS LOCKED” message, but the pending code wont be executed if you try to test.

Very wrong. Even the most modular games have scripts that manage big things. While making Vesteria, I very frequently find that a script I needed to go change one or two lines of is being modified by @Polymorphic and I have to ask him to wrap up what he’s doing and close the script so I can go through and make a change that takes 2 seconds.

You can just lock the cursor and view to the line you are currently on. If someone copy/pastes or deletes a mountain of code while you are editing, you will just remain on the line you are currently on, even if the line number changed.

Yeah, the above feature request is poorly formatted, but this is something that the platform desperately needs. The listed reasons for why we “need” to have the current & inferior behavior are weak.