Implementation of `.Magnitude`?

How was the .Magnitude property actually implemented under the hood? How is it different than the Z axis?

I can recreate it quite simply as

print((workspace.Part1.Position - workspace.Part2.Position).Magnitude)
-- 31.894357681274414
print(math.abs((workspace.Part1.Position - workspace.Part2.Position).Z))
-- 31

with the only difference being the .Magnitude property is a float whereas the Z axis is an integer.

Well the Z axis is an integer due to the math.abs

I don’t know how .Magnitude is implemented under the hood, but the way you described it working is more of a coincidence that the values are close than that being accurate.

If you think about the Pythagorean Theorem, it’s a^2 + b^2 = c^2. In 2D Vectors, c would be the magnitude.

It’s the same idea with 3D vectors. It’s x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = c^2, where c is the magnitude.

This pattern applies to any number of dimensions (4D and beyond.)


You can use math.round for rounding numbers, and math.abs to make the sign of the number always positive.

I am not sure if I still understand the difference between simply taking the Z axis

math.abs also rounds the number, however from my past experiences it only rounds down

Magnitude is just the distance from the origin point (0, 0, 0). So the Z axis plays a part of the calculation of the magnitude, but it is not the magnitude.

For instance, if you had a Vector3 value of (20, 0, 0), the Z axis is 0, but the Magnitude is 20, which so happens to map directly to the X axis since no other axes have a value.

A Vector3 of (20, 30, 10) will have a magnitude of about 37.4, which is calculated as:

= sqrt( 20^2 + 30^2 + 10^2 )
= sqrt( 400 + 900 + 100 )
= sqrt ( 1400 )
= 37.41657

And as you can see, the result has no direct equality with the Z axis.

If your confusion is about what the Z axis represents: The Z axis typically represents the depth in 3D space (at least on Roblox). To visualize this, look down at your mouse. Move it left and right. You’re moving it on the X axis. Now move it forward and back. That moves it on the Z axis. Now lift it up and put it down. You’re moving it on the Y axis.