Implementation of Unstable Movement for Parts

Hi, I am a beginner script developer. I have a question, so I am posting on the Developer Forum.
(I used a translator.)

I am a developer working on a reactor core game. In the popular game ‘B Core,’ the core moves naturally when it becomes unstable. I tried to achieve something similar using TweenService, but it wasn’t very successful.

I wanted to recreate the effect shown in the video above, so I used TweenService, but it wasn’t as natural and smooth as in the video. In the video, it looks like the core moves to random positions and moves in a natural way. If you know any methods to make parts move with a natural, unstable feeling like in the video, please help me.

Thank you for reading my post.

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math.noise() is your best friend when it comes to procedurally generated stuff. You can make a script that offsets the core from it’s initial position every frame/step.

I don’t know what example I can show because I don’t use it a lot, but there should be plenty of tutorials on it.

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Look like it is a simple randomized tween

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local Core = script.Parent
local OriginPosition =,0,0)
local OriginSize =,3,3)

local function RandomizeTween()
	local XPosition = math.random(OriginPosition.X-1, OriginPosition.X+1)
	local YPosition = math.random(OriginPosition.Y-1, OriginPosition.Y+1)
	local ZPosition = math.random(OriginPosition.Z-1, OriginPosition.Z+1)
	local XSize = math.random(OriginSize.X-0.5, OriginSize.X+0.5)
	local YSize = math.random(OriginSize.Y-0.5, OriginSize.Y+0.5)
	local ZSize = math.random(OriginSize.Z-0.5, OriginSize.Z+0.5)
	local TimeTable = {0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2}
	local ChoosenTime = TimeTable[math.random(1, #TimeTable)]
	local Info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear)
	local PositionGoal =, YPosition, ZPosition)
	local SizeGoal =, YSize, ZSize)
	return Info, PositionGoal, SizeGoal

while task.wait(0.5) do
	local Info, PositionGoal, SizeGoal = RandomizeTween()
	TweenService:Create(Core, Info, {Position = PositionGoal, Size = SizeGoal}):Play()
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