Import Animation From Blender To Roblox ERROR

Hello !
I just made an animation with Blender, and now i want to import it with the blender plugin in roblox.
With blender you can copy the ID of the animation, and past it on roblox. But actually, it doesnt work … can you help me ?

So i copy the ID of the animation
and then I import it on roblox
When i click on import animation, a script open :

And when I copy, I got this error :
“Syntax error, got “eof””
Please help me

I never used the plugin but since the error it’s a syntax error, it must be the plugin or the script it opened. I am not sure what plugin you got there and if it is fake or not, but something is definitely wrong somewhere and I suggest using another -original, of course- plugin.

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ohh ok thx for the answer, i will check that

problem is that i got the good one … so I dont know :confused:

I am not sure, but the script has to be broken or obfuscated. Try another plugin

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yes :confused: do you have some good plugins which can do that

Probably this one
If not, try searching for original ones. You can easily detect one by people saying in the comments.

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is the one I use and it look like the original one

you’re probably using team-create, the plugin breaks that way. upload it on a new baseplate without team-create and then use the animation id.

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oh okay ! thx for the tips i do that right now

youre a genius, thank you man !