Import .fbx model issue


Greetings! I’ve got this while I was trying to import a model. Can someone tell me where’s the problem?
It’s a simple dresser that contains in it 8 meshes: base, doors, legs, upper part.
This reason appeared for at least five times. I’ve already loaded few models earlier and everything was fine but this one had problems with textures, loading, etc.

Try importing in a different studio. Possibly a team create issue.

4 days late. however try renaming the file, or import again/import separate meshes.

It’s non working :frowning:
I’ve created the other model cuz that one had some issues and Ig it’s the only way out of this situation bc I’ve tried to rename, rename objects in my file and even tried to change the .fbx format to .obj
So if nothing of this helped - try to create another model.
For me it was not that emotional damaged bc it wasn’t big detailed car or something it was just the shelf. Yeah I remake it in an hour but now this stays in my game :slight_smile:

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