[Important] Right to Erasure - Action Requested

Hello, I received 2 messages from Roblox saying the same thing.

this would be the message:

"Hi Dev,

We received a right-of-erasure-request for the following User ID(s):


Please delete this User ID immediately from all of your records (e.g. games, data stores, etc.) from the following Game(s):

This is an obligation under data protection laws. If you would like more information about how to delete a User ID from a data store, please visit our Developer Hub at Data Stores | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub , GlobalDataStore | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub and About GDPR and CCPA | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.

Please note that you must delete the User ID from all of your records, and not just from your data stores. The pages linked above are provided for informational purposes and are not intended to provide a comprehensive method of deleting User IDs.


The Roblox Team"

How could I remove the id from my datastore? Because the player id given to me by Roblox no longer exists, I tried looking up his profile and it doesn’t exist.

You could use a plugin like this one to help you delete the specific key(s) belonging to that user.

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The Right to Erase, as My first google search is:


So yes, they aren’t going to exist on the roblox platform because that is data to them. They invoked their right to be forgotten. But their UserId is still valid inside Datastores if used etc.

You can use plugins or write your own quick little script or command on the command bar and remove their data using their Key’s and your datastore names.

Hope this helps.


Assuming you are normal and keep your key their UserId, just do:

Do this for all datastores you have.


So would this be?

It depends on the key you’ve saved the data under. Most of the time it isn’t just the userId, as people usually add a prefix - all depends on how you did it.

yes, i didn’t add any extra reference, i just put the user id

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