Imported fbx animations for rig appear at varying heights

Based on my understanding, this might not be how the blender animations were exported, but I am not entirely sure at this point, that’s what my animator thinks at least.

I think one of the anims appears correctly, but the other ones are either too high or going into the ground.

Does anyone have any insight on why this might be the case? I used the fbx importer thing to import my blender rig, and I did the same thing to import the fbx animations.

I appreciate any advice. Thank you all.

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Gonna bump this once as I do not have any info regarding this yet :frowning:

I appreciate you all for reading

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Still an ongoing problem, going to bump once more.

Could it possibly be a blender related issue prior to the export?

I used the fbx importer to import all the animations, along with the rig. I welded the rig to a standard humanoid character to support movement, if these details help at all.

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Still super stuck on this, and it’s crazy I cannot find any information on this at all.

I have no clue if it’s an animation problem, how the animations were actually made, or if it’s something else.

I have no clue. I would appreciate any insight on this

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