Importing a BUNCH of icons, want to know if theres an easy way to add them into my game

I’m making an in-game explorer (like the one in studio) and I’ve found a good library of icons for all of the different instance types. The only drawback is that there are 609 different files…
I don’t want to have to manually go through one by one and add them in, as that would just take ages. Is there any easier way to do this? If its any help, the files are already named after what instance they are.
I doubt theres any way to do this easier, but does anyone have any ideas?

use asset manager, asset manager > decal, then select all the icons u need and it’ll auto import

if you’ve seen those icon pack plugins before, what they tend to do is upload a single image with every single icon on it (or atleast a vast majority of them) evenly spaced out between them.

This is called a sprite sheet. You can then use roblox’s image rect size & offset tools to crop them.

Otherwise bulk import with the asset manager, but I think you hit the upload limit at around ~400 uploads.

I didn’t think about using a sprite sheet, that’s interesting! I know I can bulk import, but I’m more worried about getting every image assigned to the right instance type. I assume I still would have to manually define which grid space is which instance, but that would be significantly easier already. Is there any better way to do this?
(sorry for the late reply btw, got busy)

yeah, sadly this is the case, but it could arguably be just as labor intensive as defining which rbxassetId url corresponds to which instance