Importing a mesh into a MeshPart creates a new part and position is broken

Importing a new mesh into a MeshPart now creates a new part. This is unexpected and unwanted. As a vehicle developer, to make a new vehicle I clone an existing vehicle, place it at the origin, and load new MeshParts into the vehicle, as the vehicles all have the same number of parts with the same properties. Now that importing creates a new part, I have to take the extra step to copy the asset ID back into the existing part, which annoys me.

Not only this, but if I select “no” to “the mesh contains location data do you want to move the part to the location?” the position of the new part is all sorts of strange.


  1. insert a MeshPart into workspace
  2. load a file into the MeshPart
  3. select “no” to the location prompt
  4. inspect the new part and unusual position

Outcome: new MeshPart is created with the mesh specified at a different CFrame than the original MeshPart, and in Workspace

Expected outcome: when the new MeshPart is loaded it inherits all the properties of the part previously (except those related to CFrame [if the user chose to reposition the mesh] and size).


Same issue here, when importing the mesh it creates a completely new MeshPart instead of taking over the properties of the previous meshpart.


Having this same issue, it completely haults me from organizing before importing. Usually I do the following:

  1. Create a MeshPart in the workspace.
  2. Group it
  3. Rename the model to what the whole structure is going to consist of (Lets say a Door for instance) and then name the MeshPart(s) to what the model is going to entail(Ex: Door handle, Lock, Frame…)
  4. Import the models.

Now I can no longer do this and instead have to import each mesh first THEN name it, change the material of it, group it, etc. Like the OP states, it doesn’t use the MeshPart you’re loading your meshes to since it creates an entirely new MeshPart in the workspace when you upload a mesh instead of using the existing one.

In addition to all of this, here is the result of what happens when you click “No.” after being asked to use location data.

The highlighted MeshPart is the initial MeshPart being used, the low poly rock is what was uploaded (Didn’t change the position of it).


Would be super helpful to know if this is being looked into. Importing is still quite a pain! :sob:


It has been fixed for the next studio release.


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