How can I import a mesh with several parts into Studio with the parts being in the same position they were in Blender and not scattered on the baseplate. I’ve only imported 1 part meshes and I need help importing things with multiple parts.
You can try exporting it in .obj format because it stores position data as well
So I export multiple meshes in obj. format and it will retain the positions as well?
I think it should. Last time I used .obj, it prompted a option to retain position data.
Most of the formats save the position of the object
What you have to do is select all the objects you want to export
My recommendation is to export it as fbx, then select “Selected Objects” and mesh in the “N” tab
After that you will have only 1 file, you can import it rather with a MeshPart, a Mesh importer plugin, or in the game explorer.
I reccomend saving the mesh as a “.fbx” file, it’s reccomended this way
Export it as an FBX. Then in studio, go to game explorer > ameshes/asset manager and then click the import button. Make sure you don’t have import as one mesh enabled. Then once they import, highlight them both under the meshes drop down and right click. Click insert with location. That’s it. They might come in big though so you can resize them down.
I tried everything but it didn’t work. Eventually I tried bulk importing and it finally worked. Bulk importing is way easier too