Importing a module I wrote causes Studio to hardlock if Luau type checking beta is active

Starting at reply #485, and just after an update in my module that adds referencing types from a single module, a number of users have reported that inserting my module into Studio causes it to freeze.

I can reproduce this issue 100% of the time if the type checking beta is enabled. Disabling this beta feature resolves the issue.

To reproduce:

  • Get FastCast if you do not own it already.
  • Open studio, and enable the Enable New Lua Script Analysis beta feature. Restart studio.
  • Open a new baseplate, and attempt to insert the FastCast script.
  • Studio should now freeze.

I haven’t been able to create a stable repro that isn’t using this module, I’m afraid. I have no idea what’s going on, so ideally someone can help me find some pointers.


I’m unable to reproduce this on Studio 457.

Is it possible we already fixed this? :slight_smile:

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Yes, it seems to be resolved now. It does lag studio for a moment still however, but it no longer hardlocks.

No this is definitely still crashing Studio every insert for me months later. Not subscribed to any beta option either.

edit: I guess not crashing, but literally freezing studio for a solid 30 seconds to a minute and then having the entire thing freak out and spawn this empty window before calming back down is… basically as close to crashing as you can get.

I swear the game which I’ve loaded this into is also loading significantly slower than other games in Studio. What is up with this?

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