Importing Blender Model into Roblox studio makes it deform/decimate

chair model made in blender that i want to import in roblox studio

so this is the chair that i worked on, nothing special or crazy, it has around 2k tris, all faces are facing the right way including normals BUT when i try to import it into roblox studio this is what happens:

what even is this

completely destroyed, it looks like as if used the decimate modifier and amplified it by 10, i dont understand why? there are other models that i made that had a more complex shape then this + thousands more triangles but doesnt get deformed like this, so if you got a solution pls tell because this is a really bizzare phenomenon


I’m not too familiar with the way Roblox’s Mesh Importing System works, but I assume you were carrying too many triangles and it optimized.


Do you have any modifiers on it? They may be getting applied before exporting.

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yeah all modifiers are applied

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Send me the .blend, I’ll check it out for oyu

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that does seem like it, but that cant be because in total it only has 2,668 triangles, thats not that many right? or the roblox preferred tris count is lower than i thought

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ok here you go
max beef bar.blend (2.0 MB)

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chair.obj (383.0 KB)


wait damn how did you fix that

Epic pro gamer move. All I did was apply the transforms and recenter originpoints


ahh, i should do that more often, i thought it wouldnt affect how it looks when importing into roblox, anyways thx very much

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