Importing FBX files preserving location in each model

I hope this is articulated properly but I’ve come across an issue that keeps hindering my workflow. Whenever I need to upload a model with multiple different models inside, I find it better to use FBX files since there’s a myriad of benefits they have over OBJ files. however, while they all upload there’s no way to preserve their location. At least as far as I know, you have to manually reassemble the overall mesh in ROBLOX studio beforehand. Does anyone have experience with this issue?

Pretty sure you can set the Origin of all the separate Meshes to the same location in your 3D program (I’ve done it in Blender but can’t remember the exact procedure, I just googled it) then when you import it into Studio using the Meshes Position they should all end up at the same Positions relative to each other.

You’re always here when I need you the most, thanks Scottifly. I’ll see if this works

No worries.
When I built my pickup model I used this method to keep multiple MeshParts from getting misaligned.

Hey, Mountebank~
Based on my workflow experience, if you’re encountering an issue where importing meshes into the studio results in positions not aligning with Blender setups, you can address this problem using the following method:
Within the studio, navigate to View > Asset Manager > Click on the Upload Icon (Bulk Import) > select the FBX file. After uploading, choose all the uploaded objects, then Right Click and select Insert with location.
This should insert all the objects onto the workspace, maintaining their original positions from Blender!

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Dude thank you so much this worked flawlessly, I have been manually placing them each time and I always suspected it wasn’t the optimized way to import FBX files. Thanks and happy new years!

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