Importing Google maps 3D Data into Roblox

Hi all,

During my creation of the DFW airport I was hoping to import the 3D Google Photogrammetry building and terrian mesh data into my roblox game to surround the airport. I’ve seen it done by many other developers and games before so I thought it was reletively straightforward.

After importing in the data using Blosm on Blender I have ran into an issue that I am unable to get the mesh I make on blender into Roblox due to tri limits and size.

What would be the best way to go about attempting to import this into the game or even better yet a simpler method thatd achieve the same results?

(Image of one of the areas I have been trying to import)

Best approach would to lower the Tri count, since Robloxs tri limit is 10k. If that doesn’t work you could split it up into pieces and reattach it back in studio. This could be a work around this issue.
Hope this helps!