Importing Into ROBLOX Studio

I have been trying to import this mesh into ROBLOX studio because I’m making a map.

But when I import it it turns out like this. I have tried many things such as exporting it and importing it. So i’d like to ask you guys for some help.

You’re going to have to provide more info than that if we are to help. Always show pictures of the 3D model in the software you’re using and Studio (and a description of what you’re trying), because with this image alone it’s nearly impossible to know for sure what the issue is.

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Inconsistent normals has been covered many times on the Forums.

Additionally, I strongly suggest you move to Blender 2.8 as that is far superior to Blender 2.79 (the version you’re using now). It’s easier to learn on, and generally more efficient.

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When I do this, it makes it much worse??

Are you selecting the entire mesh? In Blender 2.79, Ctrl + N will make your normals (your faces) consistent, which is likely your issue.

If this is not working, please open up the object properties (N), scroll down to Backface Culling, and check the box. This will show if your faces are inside-out. If there’s another issue, we can work from there.

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Im sure your object’s faces have been totally messed up and maybe you put them inside each other like Aotrou said. It sometimes happens to me mid way through building, then I’ll only notice when Im finished with it. I’ve just restarted, but I don’t know how to fix it. Just make sure you don’t put faces inside the object or flip them.

Wait, can’t you just flip the faces of where it’s happening? I know it seems like an obvious answer, but have you tried?