Importing warrping/swelling

Problem –

So i am trying to import a sword i made in blender into roblox studio and i imported it as a single mesh then as seperate meshes so i could colour them, but when i imported it as seperate meshes, it warps and swells to different shapes.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks

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Have you set the the Render Fieldity of the Mesh Part to precise?

Are you exporting as FBX, or as OBJ groups? Try exporting as the other one…? I think this looks like a problem with surface normals, not with Roblox deforming your mesh.

As an FBX and then ticking to split them when importing into studio

Try exporting it as an OBJ instead (although you might have to use 0.001x scale - or 100x? I don’t remember which way it is). I’ve had more luck with OBJ since it’s (arguably) a simpler format that Roblox is less likely to get tripped up on. Remember to export as groups.

FBX (normals were flipped for some reason idk):

OBJ (worked perfectly):

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To me, this looks like you have smooth shading on the right and flat shading on the left. Try to set the shading to flat. Maybe that will fix it.

Or you just Right click on the model and click on “Shade Flat”

Sorry, I’m not a blender pro…

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