Impossible Roblox Captcha

This is a joke, right?

FunCaptcha is not fun and doesn’t solve any issue. It creates one of the worst user experiences with a Captcha I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t even have accessibility options for people who are visually impaired.

The 2 billionth Roblox account is literally a bot.


The new one with the shadow, kids won’t know what the correct shadow is.

Well there is a reason; people have group rank bots, and sometimes bots for negative purposes. So this is probably why they’ve stepped up their verification game.

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I think FunCaptcha is a bit cheaper then Google so Roblox uses them to save but Roblox should pay a bit more and get Google Captcha instead as it would be a better user experience and it would be more fun

Yup! FunCaptcha indeed does not solve much. They should hire a better company. One that won’t expose xss vulnerabilities on their site and one that provides a service that is not easy to bypass!

Arkose really does not care

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People use the API. Some thing have been bypassed. Others, not so much.

Also, by “bad user experience”, they are talking about spam bots.

The real reason for this captcha is to stop bots. Bots are not as big as an issue now. Just trying to say that bots are still an issue is not a valid argument.

Chat bots mass-spamming phishing domains have been running wild the past couple weeks so I don’t think you’re keeping in the loop very well.

Botting is always an issue.


Not saying it shouldn’t be addressed, but if you reference data on Arkose Labs website, they target for a 98% SLA success rate. Unfortunately, with what limited data I have (being this forum post, and only this forum post), the people here complaining don’t even make up 1% of the 2% exception rate based on Roblox traffic. Again, not that it shoudn’t be addressed, but you guys under these terms with available data are the 2% exception.

I state this as I have a fairly complex home network setup (I run a homelab, I have a server rack in my house running a variety of infrastructure services along with tools to analyze, manipulate, and block various traffic based on my will). In addition to my out of ordinary setup, I’ve recently transitioned my development laptop to Linux, and only had one hiccup with FunCaptcha not loading correctly and constantly giving me challenges until it times out. After this, even on a Linux distro which isn’t all that popular within Linux itself, I only had to do one challenge (compared to the 8+ I sometimes have to do on my Windows/Android devices) and I was verified. If the service isn’t throwing me out, it’s doing its job. Unfortunately, that job includes a 2% failure rate, which everyone here seems to be part of.

The number of all DevForum members will never make up to 1% of the 2%, and this is not an argument. The issue has been reported widely outside of the DevForum by various YouTube and Twitter influencers, many people have supported their concerns.


Precisely. But it does bring context, as we’ll never have access to the same level of data Roblox has.

Even if all of those people combined with those on DevForums, it still wouldn’t make up the 2% percentage. Again, this is based off the data we have available, we don’t have access to the same data Roblox has. But compare what we do have to the percentage of people complaining, and you clearly see it’s still within the SLA agreement between Arkose Labs and Roblox.

Again, I’m not saying to stop all complaints as its futile, I’m stating it may be a matter of contractual agreement between the two companies in which legally they’re unable to make any changes as they’ve made a legally binding agreement to provide and upheld and both must deliver per the terms of the contract.


That’s understandable, although I don’t see the connection between the number of complaints and the SLA agreement. What matters is the percent of failed captchas, negative feedback has nothing to do with this.

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Has anyone actually done a Captcha in a while? I haven’t had to do any in months now, is it broken? Is that why bots are everywhere?

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The connection is clearly stated on their “Why us” page, which I posted this snippet before

The reason this is relevent is secondary screening is anything which their automated systems determines to be of above the acceptable risk threshold and requires intervention to determine if the end user is an acceptable risk or not. Again, a lack of solid data prevents a decisive conclusion, but taking into account the traffic of Roblox, the time this thread as been active, and the amount of “me toos” added, and even if we throw in third party platform complaints, the likely scenario is the product is working within its acceptable SLA of 2% failure.

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I was referring to the legal part of this, as you mentioned SLA. Based on the information from their webpage, it is doubtful that they include negative feedback in their screenings. In any case, this conversation is nothing but speculation, and as you mentioned, it’s impossible to predict the outcome due to how little data we have.


I never said they were gone, I said they are not as big as an issue.

No, captchas have been limited I guess.

I don’t really think this is a bug, it’s just an order they put into place.
They need to update it so humans can get through but robots can’t.

I wish there was a way we could delete all the botted accounts and shift everyones ID back.
I’m around 90,000,000 in ID and ik for a fact that 90 million people weren’t playing Roblox in 2015, and guess what, I’m right it’s just bots >:(

Yesterday I got a ‘shadow’ one, I barely could see any difference, it was very difficult and time consuming, I had to try couple times which took me like couple minutes to go through it. I don’t see how is this kid nor user friendly. Roblox please change it.