Impossible to remove a checkmark in the Group Collision Gui

Hi I’d like to report a bug about Group Collision.
Fortunately it still works if you edit it from scripting, but manually it stopped working.
I recorded myself clicking on with a microphone so you can hear me.

Expected behavior

I’m expecting to remove the checkmark so I can make my own collisions.

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!

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@Ryxku do you have repro steps for this? can you take a screenshot of the about window? (File > About Roblox Studio). Thanks.

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I can try again later but I didn’t do anything special to get there

@Ryxku was there any update? We will close this ticket if we don’t hear back soon. Thanks.

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It worked since! You can close it!