Impresso Espresso - Alliance Application

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:coffee: Impresso Espresso - Alliance Application

:bell: Thank you for your interest in forming an alliance with Impresso Espresso! We value interactions with other groups and are excited about the potential collaborations. To initiate a partnership with us, please ensure your group meets our requirements (listed below with no exceptions) and submit an application to one of our Chairmen or above. Our goal is to establish positive relationships with other groups and mutually benefit from alliances.

:ledger: Note: All of these requirements must be met in order to submit an application; no exceptions are allowed.

  • The group should operate a professional and active communications server.
  • The group must maintain active communication with our executives.
  • The group should have actively participating members.
  • The group must exhibit professionalism and be well-rounded.
  • The group needs to have a minimum of 1,000 members.
  • The group must be willing to promote and attend Impresso Espresso events.
  • The group is prohibited from selling any Medium Rank+ ranks.

:ledger: Quick Note: The best approach to answer these questions is to copy and paste them onto a Google Document and provide your responses directly below each question.

1 What is the name of your group seeking an alliance with Impresso Espresso?:
Your response goes here!

2) How many members does your group currently have?:
Your response goes here!

3) Who are some representatives from your group that we can communicate with?:
Your response goes here!

4) Does your group have developers skilled in graphics, building, scripting, or other areas? If so, please provide their names and examples of their work below:
Your response goes here!

5) What contributions or benefits do you envision providing for Impresso Espresso through this alliance?:
Your response goes here!

6) What are your primary objectives or goals in seeking an alliance with Impresso Espresso?:
Your response goes here!

7) Please share links to your Roblox group and your communications server below:
Your response goes here!

:tipping_hand_man: Thank you for expressing interest in forming an alliance with Impresso Espresso! Please note that our relations team will review your application, and you can expect to receive our final decision within a maximum of 72 hours. Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, do not hesitate to contact our Chairman or higher for further assistance.

:wave: We look forward to seeing you at our games very soon!

:writing_hand: Approved and Written by the Impresso Espresso HR Team.
:date: This Alliance Application was last updated July 16th, 2024.