Improper Topology and Low-Quality Texture on Bunny Ears and Bunny Ears of Caprice Accessories

Issue Description

The Bunny Ears (Bunny Ears - Roblox) and Bunny Ears of Caprice (Bunny Ears of Caprice - Roblox) accessories exhibit improper topology and poor-quality textures. The mesh has mixed topology, with bizarre edge loops and an inconsistent mixture of triangles and quads. This makes analyzing or optimizing the models difficult.

Additionally, the textures are low-resolution and have visible transparent seams that were not supposed to exist according to the UV mapping. This results in an unattractive appearance when rendered in-game.

This issue resembles my previous bug report regarding the Question Mark accessory, where the rendering also appeared odd due to similar mesh issues.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Equip or view the Bunny Ears or Bunny Ears of Caprice accessory in Roblox Studio or on an avatar.
  2. Analyze the mesh topology by converting from triangles to quads or inspecting the structure.
  3. Observe the texture quality and transparency issues directly in Roblox Studio or through UV mapping analysis.

Expected Behavior

The topology should follow proper modeling practices with consistent and logical edge loops, primarily using quads for better compatibility and optimization.

The textures should be high-resolution without visible transparent seams, ensuring a clean and appealing appearance when rendered in Roblox.

Actual Behavior

The topology is inconsistent, featuring illogical edge loops and a mix of triangles and quads, making the accessory difficult to optimize or analyze. Moreover, the textures are of low quality, with visible transparent seams, leading to an unpolished visual result in-game.

Visual Aids:

(The topology is inconsistent and the edge loops are not connected properly.)

(The pinna is clipping below… Also, while making this report, I realized that there are unnecessary faces in this white part where the pinna part is clipping)

(Texture is in low quality, making some pixels escape and create this invisible seam)

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I believe the UV/low quality texture issue shouldn’t be changed, as that affects the look of the item majorly, and from the reception of the Workclock Headphones changes, I doubt many will accept that kind of change.



If I recall correctly, this specific item got an update and then a rollback to its original state, so I guess that means it won’t be touched again too soon…

However, I think for this particular case, it needs to be changed due to how broken it is from its design… Although I understand that it is a part of Roblox history and you want to keep it nostalgic, there are times when we need to understand that reporting items don’t have the purpose of making people mad, it gets reported for the better, from its quality and how owners can appreciate a better and optimizable version. :frowning:

All in all, I hope you can understand… I will leave this and we’ll see if this should or should not be updated from an employee perspective. Let’s keep all of this a normal conversation, being civil and without sending any gunshots to each other like a type of war but as replies.

Thank you! :pray:

Doesn’t need to be changed. While they’re technically “inefficient”, the hat is only 468 tris, which is way below the expected 4K tris that UGC accessories are required to follow.

If there are any quads or ngons when uploading a mesh to Roblox, they’re automatically converted into tris. Converting tris to quads in Blender is not a perfect process, and sometimes needs further clean-up in order to restore the original topology.

If I had to guess, this is intentional. The lack of margins baked onto the texture gave the Bunny Ears a sort of outlined look back when they were originally released.


When reporting a potential issue with an old accessory, please consider the historical context behind its design.


Although I’m not aware of it’s historical context, I will quote this:

Ok seriously, not hating but can you stop bug report farming. What do you even have to gain from doing this anymore?

I don’t know why but now, since the cat ears, a majority of reports I see are based on unimportant avatar assets trying to remove the classic design.

The platinum domino crown scam (and the banded tophats, a little) was the only time I saw this as neccecary.

The more people do this, the more others will start, and it’ll ruin a bunch of totally fine items.